Real-World Walkabouts: Sidewalk Scoot
Congratulations to Caroline Duncan, our second winner! Her activity helps young children learn how to count and represent numbers with the corresponding numeral.
- math
- one-to-one correspondence
- representing a number of objects with a numeral
- Kindergarten
- clipboards or binder clips and clipboard-sized pieces of cardboard (one for each student)
- worksheet with boxes labeled A-Z (one for each student)
- pencils
- sidewalk chalk
- outdoor area on a sidewalk or in a paved parking lot
Before beginning the activity, use sidewalk chalk to draw sets of dots, from 1 to 20. If possible,
sets should be several feet apart. Draw the sets in various arrays, not always in straight lines.
Label each set with the letters A-Z, so the sets correspond to the number of students in your
class. Depending on the number of students in your class, you may need to repeat letters.
- Assign each student a letter where he or she should begin. Each student should start at a
different letter and will move in order through the alphabet. When a student reaches Z (or the
last letter), he or she should move to A. - Students should count the dots in their assigned set and write the number on their worksheet in
the corresponding box. - When students have written their numbers, they should squat.
- When all students are squatting, tell the class to scoot down the sidewalk to the next letter by
doing a crab walk or crawling with hands and feet on the ground. If desired, vary the movements students use to get from one letter to the next. - Continue the activity until each student has counted each set.