Keep Students on Track During Inclement Weather
This school year has brought with it hurricanes, tropical storms, flooding, and fires. In many areas of the country, snow and ice will be visiting soon. What happens when your school closes due to inclement weather? Does the learning stop? It doesn’t have to! Some schools employ technology to keep students on track during unexpected days off and even to check on the well-being of students impacted by natural disasters.
Did you know that Walkabouts are available to students both at school and at home? If students have a computer and an internet connection, they can complete Walkabouts at home! Walkabouts can help bridge the home-school gap when school is closed. With a Walkabouts subscription, teachers can set up student accounts and assign Walkabouts for homework or for completion during inclement weather. To learn how, download this Quick Reference Guide for Teachers.
In order to prepare parents and students for completing Walkabouts at home, be sure to assign a Walkabout before inclement weather is expected so you can answer any questions that may arise. In order to quickly play the correct Walkabouts, parents and students will need the drop-down menu details of the specific Walkabouts you assigned. This Quick Reference Guide for Parents and Students will help everyone learn how to play a Walkabout at home.
Walkabouts and Walksheets are perfect assignments during inclement weather, holidays, extended school breaks, and teacher workdays. With Walkabouts and Walksheets, learning can continue regardless of the forecast.