Indoor and Outdoor Short Active Games and Movement Breaks

At Walkabouts, we understand the importance of taking active breaks throughout the day. Regular movement breaks allow students to have a much-needed reset. 

Here are some fun and active movement breaks for inside and outside the classroom.


Do what I do! Have students sit in a circle. Select one student to start the game. The first student should do a simple movement. If needed, use the examples below to give students ideas.

  • Simple movements: wave hands, tap head, touch nose, etc. 
  • Animal movements: slide like a seal, waddle like a penguin, hop like a bird, etc.
  • Exercises: arm circles, high knees, jumping jacks, etc. 
  • Yoga poses: chair pose, lotus pose, mountain pose, etc.
  • Free choice movements: sports movements, dance steps, martial arts movements, etc.  

After the first student completes their movement, they should return to their spot in the circle. The next student should repeat the movement the first student did, and add their own. Continue with each new student in the circle first performing what other students did before adding their own movement. If a student forgets a movement or gets a movement out of order, restart the game. If desired, encourage students to help their classmates remember the movements and how to do each one.

Variation: Have the class come up with a simple or complex movement pattern (jumping jack, hop like a bird, wave hands, etc.), and make sure everyone correctly repeats the pattern during their turn. 


Grab a pair of dice, and get ready to roll! Assign a movement to each number students may roll from 1-12. Refer below for suggested movements. If desired, write the movements on the board for students' reference. The class should complete the movement for each die, add the die together, and complete the movement for the total.
For example: 1 + 6 = 7 (1 shoulder roll, 6 arm circles, 7 jumping jacks) 

Choose a student to roll the dice. Ask the student or the class to say what movements they should do. Then, ask the class to count aloud as they do each movement. Allow other students to roll the dice and have the class complete new movements for as long as time allows. 

  1. One shoulder roll 
  2. Two crossbody shoulder stretches 
  3. Three side shuffles 
  4. Four side bends/rainbow stretches
  5. Five high knees
  6. Six large arm circles
  7. Seven jumping jacks or star jumps
  8. Eight lunges
  9. Nine squats
  10. Ten opposite knee touches
  11. Eleven seconds running in place
  12. Twelve toe touches


Ready, set, run! Use cones, ribbon with stakes, rope, or natural landmarks to create two sides of a playing area. Divide students into two groups, and assign the groups to opposite sides. Place a large bucket behind the starting line for each team. In the center of the playing area, place a pile of bean bags that spans the width of the area. 

Tell students that when you signal, “Go!,” they should run to the center and pick up a bean bag (one at a time). Then, they should run back to the starting line, and place the bean bag in their team’s bucket. If they do not place the bean bag in the bucket, the bean bag does not count. Time the students for 1-3 minutes, and encourage them to collect as many bean bags as they can. When time is up, ask the class to count the number of bean bags each team collected. The team with the most bean bags in their bucket wins!


  • Set up a bucket for each pair of students, and have pairs compete against other pairs. 
  • Set up two buckets for each pair of students, and have students compete against the student they are paired with.

Add some movement into your day’s routine with these indoor and outdoor movement activities and games! The Walkabouts platform brings the proven power of movement-based learning to homes and classrooms – with no extra software to download or special equipment to purchase! Whether for home or school, a single student or an entire state, there’s a Walkabouts subscription that’s right for you. Request a 30-day trial today!