ActivEd Teams Up With Active Schools
We are pleased to announce that ActivEd, Inc., the parent company of Walkabouts, is teaming up with Active Schools, an organization that recognizes the importance of daily physical activity and dedicates itself to providing resources to schools.
As inactivity and obesity rates in children are increasing at an alarming rate, Active Schools started a national movement to help ensure that school children of all ages to participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day, a standard recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
To achieve this mission, Active Schools works behind the scenes to help schools incorporate movement throughout the day: before, during, and after school hours.
“We serve as a hub to help schools access best practices, programs, and resources to increase physical education and physical activity opportunities for students. At the same time, we use communication and activation strategies to engage champions, influencers, and decision-makers to help make systems and policy changes that will enable our schools to educate the whole child,” states Charlene Burgeson, executive director of Active Schools.
So why the partnership? ActivEd, Inc., along with other partner organizations, provides the resources needed for schools to provide an active school environment. Walkabouts can be used as an educational wake-up activity in the morning, an active review in spare minutes of a day, or in-classroom lessons. Whenever they are used, Walkabouts will increase students’ daily physical activity.
By interspersing 10 minutes of activity into a child’s day, we are increasing blood flow to the brain and enhancing cognitive development. Together ActivEd, Inc. and Active Schools will enable schools and classrooms to pick and choose the resources they need to accomplish the Active Schools mission.
Check out this assessment tool to find out.
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