Active Classrooms Month!

ActivEd/Walkabouts is part of the Active Schools national collaborative of leading health, education, and private sector organizations working to create active school environments. Classroom physical activity offers many benefits for students including helping them feel better, work together as a team, reduce anxiety, and maintain focus. During remote learning, movement can be a great tool for teachers and caregivers looking to energize tired or distracted students while also calming students, getting them prepared for learning.

What is Active Classrooms Month?

During the month of February, teachers and caregivers can participate in Active Classrooms Month by:

  • Showcasing ways they integrate physical activity into learning.
  • Highlighting the positive impacts movement has on young people
  • Access links to hundreds of classroom physical activity resources from 28+ Active Schools partner organizations for physical activity boosts, movement integrated into academic lessons, and flexible seating for active learning.
  • Post your stories — in photos and/or words — on social media during the month of February (and beyond)
    • Review these social media guidelines and samples to protect your students. 
    • Ask your students’ caregivers to post words and/or photos about how movement during learning helps their child.
    • Engaging in professional development to help teachers and caregivers experiment and build confidence with incorporating movement and learning

We can’t wait to see your Active Classrooms all month long! Whether you and your students are in-class, hybrid, or fully remote, together we can keep more kids moving and learning.

Walkabouts ( offer web-based lessons for pre-K to second grade students that integrate movement with language arts, math, and reading content. Walkabouts are researched-based, and each online adventure engages students in kinesthetic learning. With Walkabouts, you can easily support the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity per day wherever learning happens!