What is the Walkabouts platform?
The Walkabouts platform includes more than brain breaks! The web-based lessons activate pre-K through 5th grade content with fun, standards-based movement. This curriculum supplement integrates language arts, math, and reading content with real exercises, making active learning easy — all with no special equipment, training, or extra space needed!

Proven, Powerful, and Versatile
The Walkabouts platform includes on-demand adventures that transform any space into a movement-rich environment where students engage in physical activity while they learn. The active lessons integrate kinesthetic techniques with classroom fundamentals.
- Cover math, language arts, and reading
- Include pre-K through 5th grade lessons
- Research-based online tools
- Easy for teachers and parents to create lessons
- Correlated to the state standards teachers already use
- Dynamic and different each time they play
- Include reporting and assessments for teachers, schools, and districts

Research-Backed & Evidence-Based
Across the country, students are moving less and less. But recent research (from experts including our founder, Dr. Julian Reed) offers some good news: Active children aren’t just healthier, they learn better. Those benefits only increase with kinesthetic learning and integrated brain exercises!
Read the research behind Walkabouts.
Fun for Students & Easy for Teachers
The Walkabouts platform was created to help kids move more — and learn more! Walkabouts are simple-to-use, cost-effective active learning lessons that help teachers, school, districts, and parents bring educational standards to life in fun, interactive ways. They’re easy to use in both traditional, remote, and homeschool classrooms.
Read about the Walkabouts platform.
Ideal for All Students & Learning Styles
Walkabouts are perfect for classrooms with students who have different learning styles. Walkabouts can also be used in before- and afterschool programs and at home. Walkabouts don’t just increase students’ physical activity, they make language arts, math, and reading content come to life as movement-rich, kinesthetic learning exercises. Read more in our latest white paper.
Read our latest white paper.
Activate Curriculum Both in & Out of Class
Walkabouts do what we all talk about in parent-teacher conferences: They engage each and every student! At Walkabouts, we aren’t just education and technology experts, we’re also parents — and we know that kids learn more, are more engaged, and are healthier when they are active both in and out of the classroom.
Read about our mission.
Join the Movement Movement!
We love partnering with like-minded individuals and organizations. From private health systems to homeschool networks, our team is committed to a wide range of collaborative relationships. Visit our Partners page for more information about working with Walkabouts (as well as related grant information).